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The Peer Tutor Initiative

It's crucial to empower young people with the right knowledge and skills to make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing. The Peer Tutor Initiative is a programme where we teach a new form of study very different from a school's curriculum. In this programme, we taught different types of education that are not only based in books; we taught them through the arts: painting, music, dance, capacity building, movie screening, and different types of competition for their confidence building. like we commit to building programmes that increase confidence, knowledge, and skills and improve access to materials and facilities for adolescents.
We taught them different types of education like "Ed Space," "Well Being," "5th Space," "Menstruation Health," "Menstruation Cycle," and "Hygiene." The onset of menstruation means a new phase and new vulnerabilities in the lives of adolescents. Yet many adolescents and young women face stigma, harassment, and social exclusion during menstruation. The main objective of the programme is to increase access to and use of high-quality sanitary napkins among adolescents and girls in rural areas. to ensure safe disposal of sanitary napkins in an environmentally friendly manner. 


Objective of Peer Tutor Initiative

The Pandemic posed several challenges which included an expected rise in dropouts, learning losses and increase in digital divide. Rural poor girls were effected the most. Girls who receive an education are less likely to marry young and more likely to lead healthy,productive lives. People for Change in collaboration with ComMutiny has organized a program named Peer Tutors initiative.Peer Tutor Initiative is an initiative where in Peer Tutor is responsible for facilitating 10 Jabardasat Jagrik to tutor 250 adolescents girls in their communities.
Peer Tutor create learning spaces in their communities in order to bridge the learning loss brought on by Covid-19 by building social emotional learning (SEL) skills and strengthening well being resulting in improved learning outcomes.
This initiative will enhance foundational numeracy and literacy skills along with memory retention demonstrated by the adolescents girls, increase school enrolments learning and well being of the adolescents girls.
The objective of the program is :

  • Enhanced foundational numeracy and literacy skills along with memory retention demonstrated by the adolescent girls
  • Increased school enrolment and/or school attendance rate of the adolescent girls
  • Enhanced social emotional learning and well-being of the adolescent girls.
  • Personality Development
  • Confidence building

Education Changing lives

Education is important for everyone, and with the help of this we can strengthen the social economy and culture. Education is not only the right of every girl but also crucial to societal development. Educating girls promotes economic growth, encourages political leadership, creates peace, helps the environment, saves lives and so much more. With millions of girls at risk of dropping out of school due to COVID-19, it is important that we all act now to support the efforts of our Peer Tutors like Sheetal, Jyoti, Basanti, Surmila, Komal, Sobha, Durgi, Sushari, Priyanka and Anjal and prevent the pandemic from jeopardizing girls’ dreams for the future.

Fighting against Child Marriage

Ending child ,early ,forced marriage and union can be achieved only if we : empower girls with information, skills and support networks.
Provide economic support and incentives to girls and their families.
Educate and rally parents and community members.
Enhance girls' access to a high-quality education.
People for Change has been working relentlessly in trying to address the problem of child marriage in East and West Singhbhum by ensuring that girls have access to knowledge,skills and information relating to their rights,bodies,careers and have access to an eco system of support.We are doing this through a network of peer educators who are working with adolescent girls in Government schools and communities.The girls celebrated Women's Day with celebrating learning through a fun camps across ten locations.The event saw a participation of around 400 girls across two districts.Rangoli,learning games,mehendi,painting,craft,music and sessions on menstrual hygiene and education marked the celebrations.

Jabardast Jagrik

The pandemic posed several challenges, which included an expected rise in dropouts, learning losses, and an increase in the digital divide. Poor rural girls were affected the most. Girls who receive an education are less likely to marry young and more likely to lead healthy, productive lives. The occupation of a majority of tribal people is agriculture, whose productivity is generally low; therefore, most of the tribal girls contribute to the family income by participating in the family occupation and by also engaging in domestic chores. People for Change, in collaboration with ComMutiny, The Youth Collective, has organised a programme named the "Peer Tutors Initiative" (Jabardast Jagrik) in which our ten young fellows, Peer Tutors, are teaching girls whose studies have been affected by COVID-19. These are underprivileged children, and due to COVID-19, affected them the most, as they did not have any medium through which they could continue their studies. So, in this project, peer tutors have mobilised girls from their locality and are teaching 60 girls. They divide girls into two groups where they teach math, language (which includes Hindi, History, Civics, General Knowledge, Science, and Geography), and English. A lot of fun activities like art and craft, drawing, reading aloud, storytelling, and skits are also incorporated to make learning fun and engaging.
The impact of the running centre is such that some dropped-out girls in the centre are willing to join the school, so our fellow took a step and reconnected them with the school and had a conversation with the school's administration. The girls are happy to join school and begin studying again.


Testing 4th January 2023

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People for Change works towards enriching children and youth for personal and social development through creating self to society journeys Etc.


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People for Change works towards enriching children and youth for personal and social development through creating self to society journeys Etc.
