Welcome to People For Change
Bungalow No.- 13, C.H. Area Jamshedpur, 831001
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People for Change is a 12-year old youth, women and third gender rights centric organization proactively functioning in East and West Singhbhum districts of Jamshedpur, Jharkhand. Our work is extensively focused with school going children and underprivileged children from undeserved communities, transgender and LGBTQIA+ recognition and rural community development. We are committed to equality of opportunity and values and respect the diversity of everyone. We have a zero tolerance approach to discrimination, victimization or harassment on the basis of a person’s gender identity. We also work towards enriching children and youth through journeys and citizenship action projects, constantly engaging with the Government, UNICEF, TSRDS, Tata Motors, colleges and schools in various projects, in Jharkhand, to bring about a progressive change in the society in the process.
People for Change envisions a world where all children and young people are inspired and equipped to realize the future where love, justice, equality, and fraternity is valued.
People for Change seeks to encourage children and young people to undertake self to society, Journeys by enabling them with critical life skills to establish personal and social transformation for a sustainable collective future education and then will then be able to further peruse their goal and will be able to actively engage in all decision making spaces for themselves, in school, in family and Community.
Our values include: Excellence, Ownership, Faith, Love, Empathy, Freedom, Fun and Inclusiveness.
Helping others and performing good deeds catches on, and the more you give back the more you'll want to help
There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up
Program Manager
Project Associate
Field Staff
People for Change works towards enriching children and youth for personal and social development through creating self to society journeys Etc.