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Shiksha Protsahan Kendra

Shiksha Protsahan Kendra is an effort to enhance learning abilities and decrease dropout rates of students from low economic backgrounds. The project aims to improve access to education through Nonformal study centers for marginalized and tribal children in the Potka and Karandih block of Jharkhand. Shiksha Protsahan Kendra provides proven intervention strategies for replication and inclusion in dropout prevention. The SPK’ s centers will impact basic literacy and numeracy education in a non-formal setting to allow working children to attend at a time convenient to them and of their own willingness. A baseline survey will be conducted to identify children engaged in child labor, out-of-school children, and children without access to education. In East Singhbhum ’ s 2 identified blocks the process of creating an inclusive education system is more difficult. Factors such as lack of available funding, administrative and policy level support, and properly trained personnel pose significant challenges that slow down the progress. Key factors influencing the success of inclusive education are, among others, the education of student teachers and the level of awareness among teachers and parents. The program is specifically targeting the in school children.

Protsahan Parv

Protsahan Parv is a festival to motivate and encourage students to realize their creative and intellectual potential, and build a dream for their future. A Protsahan Parv is a one day event with three hours of daily activity, in which multiple inputs are provided to students in the areas of: ·New learning and exposure (quiz, map activity, learning games) ·Creativity (dance, songs, art & craft) ·Personality Development (Life Skills) ·Aspiration building (through films showing how children from modest and vulnerable background became high achievers) Protsahan Parv has been immensely successful with students as well as teachers, in our previous programs in Ashramshalas in Jharkhand and with the camp schools in Noamundi. All of them expressed the desire to participate in such events on a regular basis, to enhance learning with fun. The event had science, art, craft, singing, map activity, painting, dancing and games as the main attraction. It took place in four different basti’ s with approximately 600 slum children of Jamshedpur; Parvati Ghat, Baldev Basti, Kaankhajura Basti and Swarnrekha Basti.

Be A Jagrik

With two successful phases of Samvidhan LIVE! Supported by People for Change has moved into a new dimension of making interactive games with a message. Samvidhan LIVE, a game on constitutional literacy and understanding the importance of upholding the constitution lead to creation of another game on the theme of SDGs ‘ UnEarth Be a SDG Jagrik’ supported by People for Change. These games provide a space for young people to embark on an experiential journey to know them themselves and in turn understanding & helping the society Going forward we propose to begin a national public initiative called ‘BE A JAGRIK – SDGs and Samvidhan LIVE!’ as its critical for everyone to become and aware awakened active citizen to make this world a better place to live in. Upholding Indian Constitutional by working around constitutional literacy (Samvidhan LIVE!) and upholding world constitution of SGDs (unEarth) by taking it on street to understand & act on it. This journey is designed as a leadership journey for Young people & adolescents. Through this campaign we are trying to foreground our deep & amazing experiences of engagement with various campaigns.

About Atal Innovation Mission (AIM)

Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) is a flagship initiative of Government of India under NITI Aayog to inculcate the spirit of innovation and support technology-based entrepreneurship across India. It has enabled an ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship to thrive right from the school to universities, industry, civil society, venture capital and private industries. NITI Aayog proposes to reach 500,000 children from nearly 5,000 schools across India through ATLs. So far, children and adolescents from these labs have created 3,500 innovations to solve community problems across sectors such as healthcare, agriculture technology, smart mobility, clean energy, sanitation, water resources, etc. The initiative has also trained 1,500 teachers and recruited 3,000 volunteering mentors to guide children and adolescents in these labs.

Observational Home

Reports says 85% of Juveniles who cycle through the Juvenile court system cannot read. What's more ,they are exponentially more likely to commit crimes as adults.Literacy and numeracy are essential skills needed in day to day life and are considered basic employability skills for most workplaces. Finding this gap amongst children in the Juvenile Home, People for Change volunteers along with art,craft, painting among children also focus on improving their numeracy and literacy abilities.

Art among adolescents boys is undertaken to bring positive development outcomes.

Fund Raising

We need your help to support the three winning teams of YLAC’s Equality Clubs Incubator in bringing their social impact ideas to life! YLAC has partnered with People For Change to launch an online fundraiser and raise Rs. 3,50,000 for these amazing student teams. The students are working on some fantastic initiatives, from helping rural women artisans grow their businesses online to introducing Indian Sign Language training to young learners.

If you're interested in knowing more about these projects and want to support them, please follow the donation link below. You could also help by spreading the word and sharing this message with your network. Let's come together to support the next generation of changemakers. Every little bit counts! Thank you so much for your support.

Fundraising Link: https://milaap.org/fundraisers/support-students-374

Ghadhidih's Observational Home

Teachers who foster positive relationships with their students create classroom environments more conducive to learning and meet students' developmental, emotional and academic needs.
Every teacher must establish boundaries. Having said that, being friends with students will, more often than not, leave a positive impact on them. It makes them less nervous in voicing their opinions, and concerns and much more likely to confide in you. Being friends with your students also helps in enhancing their involvement in the learning process.
People for Change has been working with children in conflict with the law who reside in Ghaghidih's Observation Home.
We have been trying to set up a child-friendly safe environment for the children to open up about themselves and express themselves through different means like art, theatre and have a behavioural change. There are educational sessions for the children as well.
Some of the boys have opted to sit for science sessions. While returning back, one boy was waving at me, I enquired,why did he not come in the class? "Science samajh hi nhi aata toh kya karunga" is what he replied. I said,"baithte toh kuch na kuch seekh lete". He felt nice that I spoke to him,next class,he showed me all his drawings and told me he loves dancing too.

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People for Change works towards enriching children and youth for personal and social development through creating self to society journeys Etc.


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People for Change works towards enriching children and youth for personal and social development through creating self to society journeys Etc.
