Welcome to People For Change


Education is one of the primary agents of transformation towards development. It is an activity,or a series of activities,or a process which may either improve the immediate living conditions or increase the potential for future living. It may expand livelihood opportunities, develop skill, knowledge and increase earning potential and thus help in tackling the problem of poverty at large. Amartya Sen's argument for faster development of India has been to repeatedly stress the criticality of Primary Education,if it purports to serve and is to be assessed regularly by the people themselves is by educating the people. The average literacy rate of Jharkhand State is 54.13 percent ,but among tribal, particularly among the female literacy rate is as low as 10 percent. Literacy is one of the most basic parameters for the success of democratic system of governance. But in Jharkhand, education statistics depicts a very poor situation, particularly in terms of providing primary education to tribals. Some of the obstacles in achieving universal primary education in tribal areas are lack of physical infrastructure (no toilets and clean drinking water) functional deficiency,poor socio economic conditions,gender discrimination and teacher's lack of passion. In order to combat aforementioned problems and to help children from the marginalized communities, People for Change is beginning fellowship which will be women led and intervene for two years in government schools of around Jamshedpur. The intervention will stress more on enhancing reading and numeracy fluency, practising life skills, learning of environment and constitution in practical mode. We will be reaching out to children from classes three to five from the most neglected schools. School reopened after a period of closure but still there are many challenges to overcome before things return to normal. Our primary focus is on preventing further learning loss among children from disadvantaged communities while ensuring their safety and security. Keeping this in mind, People for Change began its 6 day teachers training workshop for fellows. Fellows are young educators from the community who are passionate and will emerge as future leader's and carry forward the movement of change. School improvement is a complex process and classrooms are a great place to start the process of replicable and sustainable school transformation.

Pro Sport Development

30 youth throughout the country have been chosen to participate in a residential workshop on initiating Dialogues on Gender with Adolescents and Youth, organized by Pro Sport Development and Girls Not Brides. Urmila Hembrom young fellow from People for Change who works with rural tribal Santhali children was selected to be part of the workshop to under gender perspective.


Community teacher's building an understanding on 21st century life skills

"Life skills have been defined as "the abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that enables and challenges of everyday life" (WHO) Adolescent, a vital stage of growth and development, marks the period of transition from childhood to adulthood.It is characterized by rapid physiological changes and psychosocial maturation. Adolescent is also the stage when young people extend their relationships beyond parents and family. They are intensely influenced by their peers and the outside world in general. Sumit, who recently learnt about it, facilitated community teacher's and other office members about these skills and how it can be passed on to other adolescence and can be applied in our day-to-day lives as well.

Climate Consortium by IGSS

We are delighted to announce that People for change have been invited to be part of a climate consortium .This climate consortium is an initiative by IGSS. This is a glimpse of the two day workshop on understanding on what role CSO's , Government and non state stake holders have in concern with ensuring climate justice and related policies. In the following two day workshop, there were intensive discussions regarding unified steps among various communities like non- state actors and state actors to understand how climate and their changes can affect the geographical environment of the rural and urban areas. Now, The urban and rural areas of Jharkhand have responded to a 6 month initiative to meet the requirements for the climate and rekated issues and that the Climate consortium ask of.

People for Change plays the leading role for the cause. This is a wonderful opportunity for us and everyone to learn about the dangers and other problems that can be caused due to climate change and their effects in this current situation. We, together can learn small steps and measures that can prevent this major climate risks so that we can create a climate resilient community.


International Yoga Day

As part of the education fellowship, People for Change works with 23 government schools in the remotest location of Jamshedpur, Jharkhand with tribal children. This model recruits teachers from the community. The vision of the child is that everyone becomes self aware and equipped with the knowledge and skills to pursue their passion and lead fulfilling lives for themselves and their communities.With the fellowship,we aim to create movement of educators in building a larger movement for equity in education. Yoga is proven to rejuvenate mind and keeps the body fit. As it is celebrated worldwide as International Yoga Day,one of our teacher Miss Boby Mahato can be seen teaching asanas to children of Primary School,Tirildih.


Climate Warriors

Nurturing Climate warriors.The journey of nurturing young climate change warriors and leaders with #Commutinytheyouthcollective has deepened my understanding of climate change and climate action much deeper.The fantastic program called #Greenentrepreneurs is capacitating young changemakers to initiate meaningful sustained actions to address climate change in their communities.#PeopleforChange with #Communitytheyouthcollective and three other regional hubs has been nurturing this program which aims to change the narrative of climate change to not wait any longer and take actions now.
#CYC and Delhi has always been home and meeting up old friends makes Delhi visits special.


Same-sex Marriage Update

The Indian Psychiatric Society (IPS) on Sunday issued a statement mentioning the positive impact of legalisation of same-sex marriage on the mental health of individuals on the LGBTQIA spectrum. The professional body also gathered scientific data from countries where same-sex marriage and adoption have been legalised to prove that there is no scientific basis in belief that same-sex couples are not fit to be parents.

The move comes amid an ongoing case in the Supreme Court over providing legal validation for same-sex marriages.

The IPS in its statement mentioned that individuals on the LGBTQIA spectrum be treated like all citizens of the country, and “enjoy all civil rights like marriage, adoption, education, and employment, to name a few”. Opposing the Union of India’s counter affidavit in the Supreme Court, they argued that “there is no evidence to indicate that individuals on the LGBTQIA spectrum cannot partake in any of the above. On the contrary, discrimination which prevents the above, may lead to mental health issues”.

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People for Change works towards enriching children and youth for personal and social development through creating self to society journeys Etc.


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People for Change works towards enriching children and youth for personal and social development through creating self to society journeys Etc.
